I’m sure you can relate: I lie in bed, tired and ‘done’ from the day, but just lying there… my mind stuck in an endless slide show of interactions, inspirations and ideas. I marvel at the crazy paths my brain takes, the thoughts it jumps between… weird. 

A couple days ago I felt so drained (I was in the middle of a 4-day green juice feast/fast, maybe more about that another time) I expected to feel full of energy, but all I could do was plop onto my bed. The sun streamed through the window onto my back, my husband was playing with our boys down the hall… 

On que, my mind started churning. 

Then, a realization ~ ALL that REALLY matters is THIS moment, right? Really, THIS moment, all over the house. The boys are happy, daddy is happy, and there is nothing that I can control outside of this moment. THIS moment… I was quickly asleep.

No painting or chores happened for the next 40 minutes…

…the garden probably didn’t grow, but it didn’t need my help, anyway. The compost box just waited patiently on the counter for me to take it outside. Nothing really needed me. 

When I woke, the boys were still happy, the laundry and half-finished paintings had waited, and all was the same. Except that a cloud had lifted from my head and my body had energy again.  

Do you need this reminder? That there really is only THIS MOMENT? I sure did. We all KNOW this already, but a reminder is a good thing 😊

Have love & integrity in your moments and your days will take care of themselves (to play off of Ben Franklin’s thoughts about pennies and dollars).

 I wish you tons of joy in your moments. And I’d LOVE to hear your stories

Below is my newest painting, Once Upon A Dream, finished last week.

Once Upon A Dream, brand new painting by Katie m. Berggren

And on Instagram or Facebook you can see the painting I’m working on now. Check my Instagram Stories 🙂 

Thank you for taking the time to read along, enjoy your day!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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