We ALL have great ideas, but precious few of us climb out of the shower (or out of bed in the night) and write them down… Tell me, do you honor your ideas and put them on paper? (I do not always succeed at this, but I’m really trying to get better.)

I saw a cool documentary called Who Cares? In it, ideas are compared to parachutes ~ helpful if thrown out into the world, but worthless if wrapped around yourself. I like that analogy 🙂


I have a brand new original painting to share: Primal. She is an 8×8″ original painting on canvas, and she has SOLD. See available, ready-to-ship original paintings here.

She is a bright spark of a girl, a primal mother, a staple in my sketchbook and a woman that exemplifies how I feel about new motherhood: holding the little one so close, melding, becoming one. (and I like yin-yangs, too)


Love & Sincerely, Katie

Katie m. Berggren