Could I be crazy? Yes, I am working on TWO 10x10s for Thursday – in honor of Mother’s Day, I guess – I was working on 1, then a memory struck me ~ an inspiration ~ so I started a second one!

Motherhood Paintings by Katie m. Berggren, in process

The painting on the left is titled Mid-Summer Day and the painting on the right is titled Music To Dance To ~ this one will most certainly inspire a larger painting in the near future… (and yes, those are my toes, and that is my lovely new wood floor!)

The finished pieces will be released Thursday Morning (between 7 -730 am PST) here at the blog, on my Facebook fan page, as well as in the Online Etsy Shop.

If you would like to receive an email when they are out and about, let me know via email!

The Free Cards Winner for last week is Rachel! Thank you all for playing ~ let’s do it again this week 🙂

Have a lovely spring night.
Love & Sincerely, Katie