The Tee Shirts are ready! I received my samples, I’ve wash-tested them, I’ve worn them and I love them. Now, YOU can get one!

The shirts are $22.99 each ($23.99 for v-neck) and they are available in THREE different styles and several colors! In sizes XS to 3X. Let me know if you have any questions 🙂

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: There are a few countries that the Represent shop will NOT ship to. If you live in one of these countries, I’ll buy shirts for you and send them to you. Just let me know 🙂


It’s eye-opening how a painting can EVOLVE from the first strokes on the canvas, to the finished piece. Affected daily by the creator’s mood, inspirations, epiphanies 🙂 First Nest started out quite differently than she finished. I remember there was agitation in the beginning because she didn’t feel quite right, but I became more and more satisfied with her as she neared completion. I let myself feel what she wanted, followed intuition, and ended with a piece that feels just right. I’ve been doing this a LONG time, but I still feel the magic – if I didn’t, I wouldn’t still be painting.

Here she is in her final form, and HERE is a super short video of her creation process – and how she started out… SO SO different, right? I’m glad I hung in there with her, because her final state feels SO SO good. She is currently hanging right above my studio desk, practically glowing 🙂

I hope you have a WONDERFUL week’s end!

Love & Sincerely, Katie