The money has officially been given to Community Roots Collaborative 🙂 it was awesome to meet Linda, the Executive Director, and to hear all about the efforts and plans of CRC.

DeliveryOfCheck-March2018, Painting On Purpose #4 

Want to suggest a charity for the next Painting On Purpose Painting? Email me back. I also donate a LOT of art throughout the year to auctions and giveaways that support mothers and children 🙂




I’m just about the start the 16th painting in the Mindful Mothering Project (MMP). The MMP invites you to submit photos that may inspire a brand new painting. Interested? Share your moments.


The mama whose photo is chosen gets a free 12×12″ print of the finished piece.

 Mindful Mothering Project painting #16, chosen photo

The photo that inspired me this week was one submitted by Kelley and photographed by Sara Folk. This photo is so beautiful and I can hardly wait to set to work on my rendition of those big blue eyes 🙂  


Let me know if you have any questions! 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this ~ Have a wonderful week’s end!

Love & Sincerely, Katie




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