I have something to recite 🙂

The Housewife’s Lament

I’m just a little housewife, with dishes three times a day.

With laundry, cleaning, cooking, and toys to put away.

Now, it’s not that I mind the housework,

or the screaming kids at play…

it’s that husband who burns me, when he says with a smile:

“Did you do anything today?”

 Seriously. I grew up with that on my kitchen fridge (and I still have it memorized, 30 years later!). A message on a magnet plague. Negative, eh? I know that it was all in good fun (although my mom-of-4 may have truly felt this way) but I do wonder the results of a message like that being seen everyday… Does it inspire peace and contentment? Probably not 🙂

Here’s what I’ve learned more recently: WHAT IF we saw something every day that left a POSITIVE message in our minds, and the minds of our children? Something our children could grow up seeing, and would leave a loving impression on their lives…?

What about Inspirational Motherhood Magnets?


Inspirational Motherhood Magnets from Katie m. Berggren

Inspirational Motherhood Magnets from Katie m. Berggren

That’s the WHY behind this new product that I have created.

Full Color Inspirational Motherhood Magnets.

It’s been a LONG time since I’ve introduced a new product (I’m very picky), but I ADORE these magnets ~ I carefully planned these to be something you wouldn’t mind seeing every day, something that would send loving messages to those who visit and LIVE IN your home, like your growing children 🙂

There are 3 Styles ~ you can choose them individually, for $4 each, or the set of three styles, for $10. Find them here.

Feel free to give these as gifts, too, to someone who could use some light in their life. Each magnet comes with an envelope, for SUPER easy gift giving! Enjoy!!

Choose your favorite style individually, for $4 each, or the set of three styles, for $10. Find them here with more photos and information.


 Also! I have a BRAND NEW vibrant and affectionate original painting to share! Her name is AWAKE! Her image came to me while I was practicing yoga: a spinning, dancing mother and child, letting peace IN and letting stress OUT.

Awake, brand new original 8x8" painting on deep canvas by Katie m. Berggren

Awake, brand new original 8×8″ painting on deep canvas by Katie m. Berggren

This one-of-a-kind original 8×8″ painting on deep canvas is CURRENTLY Available ($185) ~ click her image to find her in the Online Studio Shop, for more information and photos ~ and never hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Choose Art that makes YOU feel something ~ you will share your life with your new Original Painting.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t put words to WHY you love a piece, or if no one loves it except YOU.

It doesn’t matter if you know ANYthing about art techniques or styles… doesn’t matter if you know the name of only 1 or 2 artists out in the world… YOU KNOW what speaks to you.

let me know if you have any questions 🙂

Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie
