Our days get so filled-up, we have so much we are keeping our eyes on. So many things that seem important. I like to question myself ~ ‘truly, in 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week or 1 month… will I even remember this that seems so urgent right now?’

Do our children see us bumbling from one ‘important’ thing to another, and wonder why we don’t have time to read to them? Why we can’t sit still and eat a meal with them? Do we take the time to kneel and look into our child’s eyes? Do we truly listen when they tell us their stories? I know I’m guilty of not always fully listening… I’m working on it.


I just wanted to plant a mental seed today… is what we are ‘busy’ with truly important? This Q may make you a little uncomfy, and that’s okay.



The new mini original painting for this week is called Together In One Place. She is a chunky 4×4″ painting for $55. I’m curious to see what YOU see in this painting. I have my own story about it 🙂 Despite how time has taken its toll on our lives, we can take a moment and be at peace in this one pure space.

This original painting is currently available, right here.

Together In One Place by Katie m. Berggren

Together In One Place by Katie m. Berggren


2016 Autographed Calendars are available. Choose a Mother & Child Calendar or a Mermaid Motherhood Calendar.

Motherhood Calendars from Katie m. Berggren

Motherhood Calendars from Katie m. Berggren



Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day. Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie