On my mind for years now… has been the idea of creating tiny originals. I’ve flirted with the idea, and at the advice of another artist, set the idea aside for a couple years, thinking is may not have been a good one.

Recently, at a craft store sidewalk sale (we just stopped to get a canvas, but ended up with much more!) I spied these little canvases and the idea came flooding back.

Remind Me (sold), 4×4

This idea is also related to my urge to create beautiful products, while stumbling over the option of whether or not to license my work (I’ve been on that stumbly path for years). I am working on the full story behind my “licensing” thoughts, to share with you in the near future.
These little paintings allow me to produce hand-painted, artist-created, straight-from-the-studio original pieces ~ that hang right on a nail (without a wire, actually) ~ or would love to be propped on a tiny easel.
Granted, they are priced higher than prints created by someone elses mother in China…

This is what I want, deep inside ~ to create work that is actually created in-studio, by the artist (hence my previous mention of my licensing stumble).

No Place (collection of the artist’s son), 4×4

Thus, I prepared a few of the 4×4 canvases, and just this week gave them a go!

Paired with the new attraction to adding text to my paintings I am in hog heaven. Having So much Fun!

Memories Made (sold), 4×4

I’ve decided to offer these little 4×4 paintings for $44, and am, at this point, only offering them on the Facebook page ~ so if you are not playing along over there, you may want to come join us!

Above shows the newest set I’m working on ~ and will be posting them one by one to the Facebook page today (and maybe into tomorrow morning).

Let me know if you have any questions ~ THANK YOU for your support ~ as you prove to me that I am on the right track.

It’s Free Cards Friday ~ Add your note or insight to this blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday. Come back on Tuesday to see if the winner is YOU!

