A fun new product is here ~ there is a limited supply at the moment, though!
grab yours here (while supplies last)

~ Mini pocket-sized inspiration books ~
featuring 21 full color Intimate Motherhood paintings by Katie m. Berggren

~ autographed and perfect for reflection and sharing.

♥ Pull your super cute little book from your purse, wallet, diaper bag or bed-side table ~ and take a moment to breathe in the moments that make Motherhood purposeful and special.

A great gift ~ stocking stuffer ~ new mother blessing…

A Question For The Mamas:

How structured is your Summer Vacation going to be for your little ones?
Will you be free-flowin’ and goin’ with the moment each day ~ or are you setting up a schedule of creative and/or educational activities to keep your kids busy each week?

It’s Free Cards Friday ~ Add your note or insight to this blog post (here at the blog or on the Facebook page) throughout the weekend and be in the running to win some cards ~ I’ll choose the winner on Monday. Come back on Tuesday to see if the winner is YOU!

Have a lovely weekend,

Love & Sincerely, Katie