Happy Wednesday! I was just noticing that there are 7 Available 10×10 Paintings ~ each one special in its own way ~ infused with the meaning of the moments it was created in. I wanted to make sure they were not forgotten.

Time Well Spent

Giving Life

Tomorrow will bring #34 of 40 10×10 paintings in The Forty Minis Collection. It is titled Gentle Mama and is inspired by an email address (believe it or not) – but has been a silent mantra for me over the last couple weeks. Gentle Mama… what could be more important to remember?

One To One

Peace Within

A few days ago I was sitting on a bench in Port Angeles, my 4 1/2 year old sweet boy sound asleep on my chest, his gorgeous chubby arms laying across me, his sweet little sleeping eyelids… I can’t number the amount of people who commented on him/us, all the while I was consciously bathing in the idea of being a Gentle Mama (and feeling so thankful for his body and his sleep).

Bringing Forth

Early Rise

Tomorrow’s 10×10 is titled Gentle Mama and features a mama on a bench, her sleeping child against her chest.

In the meantime, while you wait for that one to appear, I thought I’d re-light these available paintings ~ You can grab ’em in the Online Etsy shop.

Let me know if you have any questions ~ Have a Wonderful Day!

Love & Sincerely, Katie