Versus Free Cards Friday this week, I’ve decided to do Free Gift Wednesday in honor of Christmas.

Australian artist, Michelle Eaton has offered to gift one of the lovely charms from her Etsy shop.

Thus, comment on this blog post (on the Painting Motherhood Blog or on Facebook) between now and next Wednesday night. Next Thursday morning, I will announce the winner when I present next week’s 10×10 for The Forty Mini Collection.

Here is Michelle’s Etsy shop – so you can start getting excited.

(and, tomorrow’s 10×10 will come in the afternoon vs the morning, by the way) 🙂

My family and I decided yesterday to leave for a quick and spontaneous, well-deserved vacation, so that’s all you’ll hear from me today!

Have a lovely day and a very Happy Holiday!

As with each day, I thank you for your continued support and generous kindness.

Love & Sincerely,