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Big Changes For KmBe...

It’s a fresh new season, and I find myself re-inventing. The feeling is absolutely invigorating, like jitters-in-my-innards-exciting. I’m working on several new things… But most importantly, I’m re-inventing my print offerings. I want to make choices that are BETTER FOR YOU. Easier framing, less confusion in the long run. Happier Collectors. I’ve been offering 8×10 […]

Painting Stages – fr

Painting Stages – from YIKES to YES :) My Biggest Painting So Far

Every time I create a painting, I re-teach myself how to paint… It’s true. Call it lack of memory or constantly re-inventing, but each painting is a new experience that requires an open heart and mind. And each painting (especially the larger ones) also brings predictable stages and feelings. Within the creation of a painting […]