I have two special somethings to share with you today (three, actually!)

  1. New Work: Tender Souls & A Rainbow Baby in process
  2. Silent Story, little details


1) Tender Souls & A Rainbow Baby

Tender Souls (left)
Original Painting has SOLD ~ prints & detail images here

Do you recognize her? I created this painting using the Painting On Purpose sketch that didn’t win the vote for POP 2020. I loved the sketch and a lot of my people did, too – so I knew I’d have to bring her to life with paint.

The original painting, Tender Souls, was claimed by a new collector who saw her progress on Facebook Please never hesitate to reach out if you would like to own a painting that you see on social media. I sell them via first come first served, so if you reach out and do not hear back from me, please reach out again!


An in-process Rainbow Baby painting (right)

If you want to see more of this piece as she progresses (much more work to do) you can watch her grow on my Instagram Stories on Friday and through the weekend.


2) Silent Story, little details…

My Silent Story started as a form of art therapy for myself, but I feel that I will need to set her afloat into the world at some point. I still have a lot of bases to cover and details to discover. A lot to figure out. 

These pieces hang on my wall and together make a vortex of emotion that I can fall into. There are more paintings on the opposite wall that aren’t shown. I’m approximately half-way complete with the art. Here’s a shot my hubby snapped of me kneeling on my desk… putting on some finishing touches.

Because this is a self-imposed project, I rely ONLY on myself. I have no one to blame but me, for delays, mistakes, dropped balls. I must be driven from within, driven by a visualization of holding the mock-up in my hands (and later, the final product). And I am.

I promise to keep you updated as I progress. If you have any resources, ideas, questions, thoughts or recommendations to send my way, please do. I would be grateful…

I LOVE hearing from you! Have a great weekend!
Love & Sincerely, Katie