Carry You With Me has been launched into the world! And we are receiving excellent feedback on this book. I feel so honored. The finished product is beautiful and high quality ~ a definite keepsake gift for a special mother of a forever-loved angel-child. NOTE: I’m shipping these via Media Mail to save you shipping costs – around $3 to ship in the USA 🙂 Let me know if you want to upgrade shipping AND/OR if you want the book personalized. I sign them all with my signature but I’m happy to include a personalized message inside, as well.

Carry You With Me by Alanna Knobben and Katie m. BerggrenCarry You With Me by Alanna Knobben and Katie m. Berggren

Carry You With Me is a heartfelt story of a mother’s love and the loss of her sweet child… followed by healing and hope. Whimsical illustrations by Katie m. Berggren bring to life a deeply personal journey captured in rhyme. We remember together the great loves we have lost and cherish all the ways we carry them with us forever.

This book is written from a mother’s perspective of love, loss, pain and isolation that with time and great care transitioned through to healing, hope and endless love. 

~~~~~~~~ Painting On Purpose 2018 ~~~~~~~~

Painting On Purpose, 2018, the 4th annual, by Katie m. Berggren

Lullaby Of Breath, the 4th painting for Painting On Purpose (POP) is ALMOST COMPLETE! Thank you to all who have been following along with this process on Facebook & Instagram.


Even when we’ve run out of lullaby songs to sing, our rhythmic breath sustains our resting children. As they listen to the in and the out, they relax into us.


ALL of the money from the sale of this new 16×16″ painting ($715) will go straight to COMMUNITY ROOTS COLLABORATIVE ~ this organization is reintegrating the unhoused into blended communities, through permanent cottage home neighborhoods and integrated services. Learn more about Community Roots Collaborative.


The PURPOSE for my POP project is to give ALL of the proceeds from the sale of an original painting, each February, to a charity that benefits mothers, children and/or families.

~ In 2015 this project allowed me to give $704 to the NW Mothers Milk Bank in Portland, Oregon. (see the delivery of the $ here)

~ In 2016, this project allowed me to give $455 to Food for Orphans.

~ In 2017, this project allowed me to give $995 to Bridge The Gap of Clark County, supporting foster children.

See the 1st, 2nd and 3rd POP paintings, and learn more here.

Let me know if you have ANY questions!

Lullaby Of Breath has NOT been claimed, so let me know if she is for you.

 Have a wonderful week’s end!
Love & Sincerely, Katie