I hope you aren’t getting tired of these monochromatic paintings, I’m certainly not!! These paintings are pushing me and I’m finding such joy and peace in creating them.

It’s summer here, so I’ve been working in the studio with my boys by my side ~ one son coding a computer game and one son creating awesome digital animations. We are all creating and learning in sync, sometimes with music, and it has been a divine way to start summer. I really respect their urges to create… I totally understand the need to have uninterrupted work time. We respect each other’s space and time, and it is just wonderful. I’m so blessed to have these little humans by my side.

I’m working on painting #6 today, her name is Wishing.

Below is the series of paintings so far, from current to earliest:


Wishing, the sixth painting, in oranges 🙂 in process!

Wishing, new painting in process by Katie m. Berggren

Wishing, new painting in process by Katie m. Berggren

Chosen, the fifth painting, in purples (be still my heart, I LOVE her) 🙂 This original has sold, find prints here.

Chosen, brand new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Chosen, brand new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Jewels Amid Chaos, the fourth painting, in reds 🙂 This original has sold, let me know if you’d like a print of her.

Jewels Amid Chaos, new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Jewels Amid Chaos, new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Just Love Them, the third painting, in golds & yellows 🙂 This original has sold, find prints here.

Just Love Them new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Just Love Them new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Inscribed On My Heart, the second painting, in blues (& reds, this one is actually a duochromatic piece 🙂 This original has sold, find prints here.

Inscribed On My Heart new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Inscribed On My Heart new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Interwoven, the first painting, in browns (& the carton that started it all 🙂 This original has sold, find prints here.

Interwoven new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Interwoven new painting by Katie m. Berggren

Interwoven & Egg Carton ~ by Katie m. Berggren

Interwoven & Egg Carton ~ painting by Katie m. Berggren


I wish you peace and side-by-side creation with your children/family, and I sincerely HOPE that YOU have something in your life that brings you as much joy as these paintings are bringing me.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this ~ Have a wonderful weekend!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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