It’s getting late to receive Christmas Gifts via mail in time to wrap and give, BUT, it’s not too late for Gift Certifs! Give the gift of Choice, Love & Moments ~ and I will email your gift certificate straight to the giftee ~ OR, I’ll email it to you and you can print and give. Add a certificate to your cart here ~ then choose who it goes to and how much you’d like to give. If you’d like me to be sure and email the certif ON Christmas Day, just let me know.


It’s Thursday, so here is today’s new mini painting. Her name is: Snug ~ this is an original painting on a chunky 6×6″ canvas, she will arrive ready-to-hang (she doesn’t even need a wire) with some free 5×7″ frame-able art cards, for $89. Make her yours, right here.

Snug, original 6x6" painting on canvas by Katie m. Berggren

Snug, original 6x6" painting on canvas by Katie m. Berggren

Also, here are 5 additional 6×6″ paintings that are available and will make an extraordinary gift for a loving mother. They are $89 each. Remember, there is only ever ONE original of each painting 🙂 and if you spend over $250 in the Online Studio Shop you get FREE GLOBAL SHIPPING with coupon code SHIPLOVE.

5 6x6" original paintings by Katie m. Berggren
5 6×6″ original paintings by Katie m. Berggren


Thank you for everything, have a WONDERFUL day! Wanna chat live on Facebook? I’ll see you there.

Love & Sincerely, Katie