Note: This piece was created in 2012, but I wanted to wait until I knew the painting was safely in its owners hands before sharing it with the world.

I recently had the opportunity to create a painting for one mother in Spain ~ one mother with one beautiful son who had some trouble nursing. The determination of his mother was a direct reflection of her love for him and her intuition of the power of breast milk and the bond of breastfeeding.


Abundant Love by Katie m. Berggren

Abundant Love by Katie m. Berggren

It wasn’t until this sweet little bundle was 9 months old that the system began to work. In this kind mama’s words: “And from that day on I have not needed to give my son any more formula – he is exclusively breastfeed and thriving, meeting all his milestone and we love our breastfeeding relationship.”

It is this relationship we wanted to honor with this painting Abundant Love.

Thank you to C.R.

If this painting touches you, I invite you to snag a print for yourself, right here.

Love & Sincerely, Katie

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