Stay at home with the kids for this event ~
You just have to be at your computer, that’s all 🙂

Monday July 9 from 4-5pm PST… the next Virtual Art Opening!

As a painter, I enjoy HAVING art openings and inviting all those who love to come and see art on display and hang out with other art-lovers (and eat snacks and drink wine or cider)… BUT, I do secretly understand when the art openings aren’t well attended. I imagine that the mamas who enjoy my paintings are at home enjoying their babies!

The Virtual Art Opening will allow you to be the first to see newly released paintings ~ without leaving the comfort of your home!

I plan to have FIVE BRAND NEW Mother & Child mini paintings to share on July 9 from 4-5pm PST ~ AS WELL as the two paintings that were created and released exclusively to the first session of the Saving Motherhood Collector’s Circle! They are titled Revolution and Laughing At The Moon.

ALL YOU DO IS: Come to this Facebook Page:
on Monday July 9 from 4-5pm PST.

(if you need an email reminder the morning of, just stick your email address in here:

Can’t make it? No sweat ~ come on over anytime after the show and you can see the pieces released, the comments and chatter, and all that went on.

Below, are some pieces (unfinished in these images) that will be released on July 9 during the event!

2 mini paintings to be released at the Virtual Art Opening on July 9 ~ 4-5pm PST

2 mini paintings to be released at the Virtual Art Opening on July 9 ~ 4-5pm PST


2 mini paintings to be released at the Virtual Art Opening on July 9 ~ 4-5pm PST

2 mini paintings to be released at the Virtual Art Opening on July 9 ~ 4-5pm PST


Please let me know if you have any questions ~ Have a great week!

Love & Sincerely, Katie

Katie m. Berggren  •