I was honored to meet and hang out with Coleen McIntyre years ago when we were both interested in having our artwork used for children’s books. I veered from that path at some point, and I am thrilled that Coleen has succeeded at making her dream a reality!

And here is her second book!!

Coleen is having a Kick Off party for her NEW book at our gallery: the Love Art! Gallery in Sellwood, Oregon.

Here are the details!

August 6, 12-5pm

Please join us in kicking off “Old Mother Hubbard’s Mixed Up Cupboard ~ A Collection of Tangled Tales” on August 6th!

Get your signed copy from the Illustrator, Coleen McIntyre & join in for the festivities during Sellwood’s annual neighborhood event, Passport to Sellwood.

Live music by Travis Anderson, Refreshments, Face painting from noon-5,
and and Story-time is @ 2:00pm!

If you can’t make it you can always order online @ http://www.thegoops.com/co​llection_storybooks.php or ask your local bookstore to order it for you.

Way to go, Coleen! I am so proud of you.

Love & Sincerely, Katie